Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

TV sets for poor households in Ghana

A Ghanaian businessman runs two companies that tackle the problem of digital waste. He is in competition with informal waste recycling, which has a poor reputation because it damages the environment, exploits workers and exposes them to harmful substances.


Give them a chance

Give young people the chances they deserve


Work brings security

Employment is a route to political stability in fragile states

Labour market

Don’t bank on self-employment

Don’t force young people into self-employment

Unpromising future

Explosive youth

Guinean youngsters torn between protest and opportunism

Labour market

One of Zambia’s greatest challenges

Zambia’s youth frustrated by lack of opportunities

Opportunities for the young

“Diverse forms of learning”

African education ministers are becoming aware of informal sector’s relevance

Relevant reading

Development for the next generation

Relevant reading on youth and development

Jobs for young people

Moving ahead in Bangladesh

Giving young Bangladeshis a chance to find a livelihood


Beyond more income

Grameen Bank model works for Argentina’s Fundación León


After the quake

In Haiti, the state must be reconstructed, and not only buildings