Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

TV sets for poor households in Ghana

A Ghanaian businessman runs two companies that tackle the problem of digital waste. He is in competition with informal waste recycling, which has a poor reputation because it damages the environment, exploits workers and exposes them to harmful substances.

Financial sector

A development bank for Mozambique

Mozambique hopes to stimulate its economy with the help of a new government-owned development bank

Expert opinion

Lasting relevance

How experts assess the results of the High-Level-Meeting (HLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in Mexico City


Second chance

Nepal cannot thrive on tourism alone and needs more diverse opportunities


Torn life

What China's migrants aspire to and how they cope with daily challenges


Escaping to unknown destination

A South Sudanese refugee's flight to Kenya


Transcultural training

German managers learn about informal vocational training and slum life in Mumbai


Unknown people

Why global standards for international migration would make sense


Mobilising resources for peace-building

Fragile states have to mobilise domestic resources for development

Beyond aid

Regaining solidarity

Critics want aid to be re-designed in order to promote international solidarity


In brief

Unequal wealth distribution, Tunisia's new constitution, Syrian peace talks, opposition in SA, capital flight and election in Bangladesh