Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Financing lives

The largest single donor worldwide has halted its development cooperation: funding for USAID has been frozen for 90 days and is currently under review. These actions by the US president are already costing human lives. The global community must save what it ca...

Print edition

Contents June issue

D+C/E+Z: Contents page of June’s print edition with links to all contributions


Refugee for a lifetime

Many long-term refugees have spent their entire life in refugee camps


Escaping the resource curse

It is difficult, but not impossible to escape the resource curse


In brief

Military coup in Thailand, Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin, new momentum in climate talks, Egypt's presidential elections and a recent ILO report

Human rights

The road to mass starvation

In South Sudan, many people are still internally displaced – the recent peace treaty is a sham

South Asia

Huge challenges

As the limits of the Green Revolution are becoming ever more obvious, Indian agriculture faces huge challenges

Review essay

Nuanced assessment

Relevant publications on commercial agriculture


A new life

In a Beirut workshop, Syrian women refugees are starting a new life

Financial sector

A development bank for Mozambique

Mozambique hopes to stimulate its economy with the help of a new government-owned development bank