
Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Brief history of ARV treatment in South Africa

In the 90s, South Africa became an epicenter of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIV is mostly a sexually transmitted disease. Intravenous drug users are at risk too, however, and so are people who need blood transfusions. HIV/AIDS initially spread fast among the...

Corruption on the rise in Afghanistan

Corruption on the rise in Afghanistan

Benefits for entire families

Benefits for entire families

G8 meeting

More money for microcredit and health

More money for microcredit and health

HIV/AIDS: WHO and UNAIDS recommend circumcision

HIV/AIDS: WHO and UNAIDS recommend circumcision

Rangin Spanta, Afghan Foreign Minister

“Our police force is too weak”

“Our police force is too weak”

Digital divide

“We are creating a global network”

“We are creating a global network”

Corporate Social Responsibility

The choice is not difficult

The choice is not difficult


A chance not to be missed

A chance not to be missed

In search of fair computers

In search of fair computers

Little islands of improvement

Little islands of improvement