
At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Hans Dembowski

Hans Dembowski

is editor-in-chief of D+C/E+Z.

All articles of Hans Dembowski


Great nations

What makes a nation great

Civic mindedness

Scope for action

The only guideline for Engagement Global’s support for CSOs is promotion of human rights

PEGNet conference 2015

Leave no one behind

Controversial debate on how to tackle inequality and make economies grow

World economy

Managing globalisation

Former chief economist of World Bank praises globalisation, but wants governments to reduce inequality

Refugee crisis

The ICC is right to investigate Malian heritage destruction

For good reason, ICC wants to hold alleged Islamist militant to account


A good start

Europe needs a coherent policy to rise to the refugee challenge

Social security

African pension patterns

World Bank study assesses old-age protection in sub-Saharan Africa

Our Contributors


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.