
At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Hans Dembowski

Hans Dembowski

is editor-in-chief of D+C/E+Z.

All articles of Hans Dembowski

Understanding one's own culture and history is not enough

African heritage belongs to Africa, but some items could be repaid in kind

Our view

High time to try regulation

In spite of prohibition, drug abuse keeps spreading diseases, crime and prostitution

Why populists struggle to form cross-border alliances

It is a phantasy to believe national sovereignty can apply to everything

Global warming

Amitav Ghosh assesses global warming from Asian perspective

Why fiction writers shy away from climate change and policymakers are unlikely to solve the problem

Organised crime

“Prohibition empowers gangs”

Why the war on drugs is making SDG achievement more difficult


Inventing narratives

Why a rational individual may knowingly follow an irrational market trend

Relevant reading

“Free trade” in the 19th century

Illegal drugs and politics: current problems and the historical background

Why Trump lost decisively last week

Most voters in the USA still care about their democracy’s institutions

Multilateral bank

Vast role for governments

World Bank wants governments to do more to build human capital, generate taxes and provide social protection

Donor action

Bismarck’s tools for nation-building

Social protection is a driver of healthy economic development

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