
At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Hans Dembowski

Hans Dembowski

is editor-in-chief of D+C/E+Z.

All articles of Hans Dembowski

Our view

No ethics, no sustainability

Why financial stability hinges on investors taking into account environmental and social impacts


Reconciling diversity and the common good

Why development requires functional differentiation and attention to the common good

Germany’s Federal Government

Encouraging enthusiasm

In his new book, Germany’s federal minister for economic cooperation and development makes radical and relevant demands

Our view

The crucial development challenge

To achieve the SDGs, humankind needs strong and competent institutions at national as well as supranational levels

Recurring trauma

Feelings of aggravation

The history of anti-Muslim violence in India

Our view

Belonging together

Nations are nothing natural, but human-made “imagined communities”

Our view

Black lives matter

Legacies of colonialism and slavery are being reassessed around the world after protests that started in Minneapolis

Summer Special

Kolkata, New York, Venice

Amitav Ghosh’s novel “Gun island” deals with global heating and global migration


“Governance is fundamental”

UNDP chief explains how the concepts of “human development” and “sustainable development” are converging

World in crisis

Why we need global cooperation

Hans Dembowski spells out some thoughts on global governance ahead of Shattuck Center panel discussion on Friday 3 July

Our Contributors