
At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Dagmar Wolf

Dagmar Wolf

is D+C/E+C's office manager.

All articles of Dagmar Wolf

South Africa

Foreign workers built prosperity

How the needs of the labour market promoted migration to South Africa


Low and high-tech applications

VENRO study shows chances and limits of digital instruments in development aid


A vision for Africa

Africa has to free itself from western criteria and find its own way to regain its position in the world, says Senegalese economist

Summer Special

Timbuktu – a story of heroes and myths

How Timbuktu’s ancient manuscripts were rescued from Islamist destruction adds to the myths shrouding the desert city


Why women join the “holy war”

Islamism experts explain why more and more women are joining radical Islamist groups

Anti-democratic policies

The threatening danger of fascism

Former US Secretary of State warns that democratic values are being undermined incrementally


Insights into a war-torn country

Journalist lets the victims of the war in Syria tell their stories and the history of the country


War and chaos in the Middle East

Former Al Jazeera correspondent assesses the situation in the Middle East from an Arabian perspective

Summer Special

“Just being born a woman is a provocation”

French-Moroccan novelist holds up a mirror to a hypocritical society

Syrian refugee children

Urgent need for action

Syrian refugee children are exposed to many stress factors that can lead to permanent health problems

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