Print edition
Contents May issue

Hans Dembowski:
Why scholarship matters
Circular migration and development | More trade barriers | 20th report on reality of development aid | Challenges in post-war situations | Gender stereotypes, violence and fragile statehood | Municipal cooperation with North Africa | In brief
Focus: Higher education
Karim Okanla:
A private university in Benin
Dirk Niebel:
Development starts in the mind
Chris Gordon and Ernest Aryeetey:
Africa needs world class universities
Linda Kleemann, Alexander Freese and Michael Grimm:
Research agenda: opportunities for African lion economies
Ridwanul Hoque:
Failed: law studies in Bangladesh
Gabi Waibel and Judith Ehlert:
Challenging social science research in Vietnam
Interview with Ramón Garcia-Ziemsen:
“No upward mobility” in Colombia
Edward Harris:
GAVI’s results-based funding for vaccination programmes
Emily Haber:
The dilemma of humanitarian aid
Karl-Heinz Bächstädt, Markus Henn and Franziska Richter:
Rating agencies are over-rated, and enjoy too much power
Elton Hubner:
Brazil’s emerging donor role
Comments on military failure in the war on drugs, the election of the new World Bank president and the voluntary UN-guidelines for land transactions | Op-ed views on crisis in Mali