Development and

Private-sector company

Sustainable, biodegradable and chemical-free

Bio-Lutions is a German company specialising in biodegradable packaging and disposable tableware made of agricultural residues. It opened its first factory in 2018 in India. The idea is to avoid plastic and use agricultural residues such as sugar-cane leaves, tomato or banana plants to make sustainable products.
Sugar-cane harvest in the Indian state of Karnataka. Bio-Lutions produces disposable tableware from the plant residues. Sean Sprague/Lineair Sugar-cane harvest in the Indian state of Karnataka. Bio-Lutions produces disposable tableware from the plant residues.

The company developed a patented technology to use agricultural residues without the application of chemicals and additional binding agents. The research centre is in Schwedt in north-eastern Germany. Special machines convert raw materials into self-binding natural fibres in mechanical processing. The company can thus avoid the massive use of chemicals and water that makes the production of both paper and bio-plastics environmentally unsustainable.

The concept can be applied almost everywhere, according to Bio-Lutions. It is possible to use the fibres from most agricultural residues found worldwide. Bio-Lutions intends to create an international, but decentralised production network with local factories and regionalised distribution. The idea is to meet local demand and create local jobs, whilst limiting carbon emissions and transportation requirements at the same time.   D+C/E+C