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Plenty of rain, but no water

Despite heavy rains, there is not enough water for Zimbabwe’s citizens


Fuel smuggling

Smuggling fuel from Nigeria is a frequent crime in Togo

Social media

Internet birthday cakes

In the age of social media, families in Ghana visit each other less often


Investigation into maize scandal

Corruption linked to food shortage in Malawi


No access to clean water

Clean drinking water is hard to get in South Sudan

Senior citizens

Pensioners fall on hard times

Zimbabwe’s elderly cannot access their pensions


Allein als Flüchtlingsmutter

With husbands at war or dead, refugee mothers struggle to feed their children


Mehr zivilgesellschaftliche Beteiligung erforderlich

Der 5. EU-AU-Gipfel bleibt weit hinter den Erwartungen zurück


Unemployment destroys marriages

Many men leave Malawi to work abroad, leaving their wives alone


Women crushing stones

In order to survive, some women in South Sudan take to cracking stones

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