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Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini


Armed conflict

Three generations killed in one day

In Syria’s civil war, entire villages are wiped out

Informal employment

Fixing broken phones

Some IT graduates in Zambia find livelihoods by repairing mobile phones

Social work

Four decades of charity

An Italian nun has spent all her life in Uganda helping people in need


Protecting the young against violence

Laws in Ghana are supposed to protect children against becoming victims of violence


Von den Schwiegereltern getötet

Heiraten zwischen verschiedenen Kasten ist noch immer ein Tabu in Indien, und wird manchmal mit Gewalt bestraft


Charcoal paying for education

A poor female charcoal-vendor in Uganda managed to send her children to university


Going blind

Many people in Ghana go blind from glaucoma because they have no access to treatment


Burundi bans plastic bags

Boom of biodegradable materials expected in Burundi after plastic is banned

Rural poverty

Inefficient agency

Maize farmers in Zambia are stuck in poverty because a government agency is not doing its job properly


Männer Gottes bekämpfen einander

In zahlreichen evangelikalen Kirchen Ugandas sind Spannungen zwischen den Führern an der Tagesordnung

Heutzutage abonnieren