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Hans Dembowski

Hans Dembowski

ist Chefredakteur von E+Z/D+C.

Alle Artikel von Hans Dembowski


Presidential legitimacy

The postponement of Nigeria’s elections was embarrassing and demoralising


300 pages, 250 years, 8 generations

Yaa Gyasi’s first novel explores the brutal history of how the slave trade shaped West Africa and North America


Early signs of paradigm change

With global implications, the buzzword “Green New Deal” is causing new excitement in US politics


“Poor choice”

The FT’s assessment of Trump’s nominee for the World Bank presidency is devastating


When action comes too late

Vale seems to be finally learning the lessons disasters


„Es liegt ein Marathon vor uns“

KfW-Vorstand Joachim Nagel plädiert dafür, den Kampf für Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit entschlossen weiterzuführen


Left-wing populists cause hardship too

What Venezuela and Zimbabwe have in common

Why sovereignty must be pooled

Brexit proponents don’t want to assume human responsibility for global public goods

Trump will not get full control of the World Bank

Jim Yong Kim’s resignation may matter less than it seems

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