
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

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JUMP – to The Hague

Young researchers from Global South can apply for mentoring programme and then attend EADI/ISS conference

Climate policy

The way forward

Among rich nations, only the EU is still spelling out meaningful climate ambitions, as became evident in Madrid

Civil liberties

Live up to the rhetoric

EU needs to press Central Asia harder on human rights

Flagship report

12 to 15 million jobs

AfDB proposals for generating more productive employment in Africa

Social media

Serious discrimination

Current frustration with Twitter in India shows why the big internet multinationals require global regulation


Desks, tables, windows – and dry floors

Renovated and well equipped school creates a good learning environment

Social protection

No longer convincing trendsetter

After dramatic social-spending cuts, it does not make much sense to speak of a European social model anymore

Social protection

What independence leaders found impressive

What impression European welfare states made on the leaders of former colonies

World order

“Teetering continent”

The EU is currently not a convincing model of supranational policymaking, but it can – and should – become one

Foreign trade

Mozambique’s trade with ­Germany

Mozambique primarily exports commodities to Germany


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.