
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

The problems with Glyphosate

Pesticides have often caused controversy because their detrimental side-effects were initially ignored and later intentionally played down. The most recent example is probably the herbicide Glyphosate/Roundup.

Social stratification

Myths of middle class dynamism

Africa does not have a homogenous, progressive and fast growing middle class


Moving a mountain of mangoes

Sun-drying mangoes solves a market-access problem for smallholder farmers


Global warming and biodiversity loss mutually reinforcing

Fragile mountain habitats are becoming increasingly precarious in Hindu Kush-Himalaya region

Pharmacists in development cooperation

Essential experts

Pharmacists without borders do important work in aid missions and projects worldwide


Balancing profits and staff welfare in Ivory Coast

Coliba is a young formal-sector company that specialises in the recycling of plastic waste in Abidjan


Unaffordable treatment

For people in developing countries, most cancer drugs are unaffordable


Intellectual property versus health care

Insistence on medical patents costs lives, especially in the global south

Our view

Foundations of broad-based prosperity

How the middle class matters in a country’s development


Growing dependence on Benin’s informal sector

In Cotonou and Porto Novo, economic slump has hit middle class hard

Financial sector

Financial sector: important allies for net-zero strategies

For good reason, central banks are increasingly paying attention to climate risks


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.