
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

The problems with Glyphosate

Pesticides have often caused controversy because their detrimental side-effects were initially ignored and later intentionally played down. The most recent example is probably the herbicide Glyphosate/Roundup.

Central America

Planting diverse crops, securing livelihoods

Farming in a traditional and sustainable way benefits biodiversity and helps against external shocks


Indians are beginning to pay more attention to healthy diets

Why millets should prove useful in the fight against malnutrition in South Asia

Development policy

Germany’s approach to feminist development policy

Svenja Schulze on how the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development will promote women’s rights


Forests are the world’s green lungs

KfW supports jungle areas in Laos and Vietnam, as these are carbon reservoirs and habitats for many endangered species


New strategies for female entrepreneurs

In Mexico, online business trainings help female entrepreneurs to expand their businesses

Experience of racism

“I do not define myself as a victim”

Turkish-German author Canan Topçu on her very personal take on identity, racism and exclusion


Exemplary wildlife conservation

Bolivian Lilian Painter campaigns for the preservation of the Madidi protected area in her country

Social inclusion

Refugees offer opportunities

There are more refugees in Uganda than in any other African country


Debt situation is escalating in many developing countries

Multilateral action is needed to get a grip on debt problems in low-income countries


Protecting both nature and the climate

Climate change and loss of biodiversity are mutually reinforcing – and KfW is taking that into account in its financing


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.