
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Why some Indian farmers are backing away from rice cultivation

In West Bengal, the green revolution made high-yielding rice cultivation attractive. Four decades later, the associated environmental problems have increased – and the climate crisis is further compounding them.



Exclusion can cause and intensify conflicts

Alliance 90/The Green Party

Venturing more sustainability

Greens want to drive forward climate-change mitigation and social justice worldwide

The Left

Development policy needs to be active peace policy

The Left demands a fundamental change of policy for social justice worldwide


Focus on poverty reduction

SPD wants a life in dignity for every person in the world


Making a difference

CDU/CSU wants to focus future development policy more directly on key countries and key sectors


Himalayan tsunamis

Mountain communities in the Himalayas deserve assistance in order to adapt to global warming

Water scarcity

Thawing glaciers

Melting of Himalayan glaciers will cause water scarcity in various Asian countries


Is microcredit a debt trap?

Intricate factors determine if microcredits are a success or failure

Venezuela’s escalating crisis

Foreign mediation would be useful in Caracas – but unlikely to happen


Facts and figures on family planning

Young women, in particular, are unable to use contraceptives and plan their families as they wish


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.