Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Financing lives

The largest single donor worldwide has halted its development cooperation: funding for USAID has been frozen for 90 days and is currently under review. These actions by the US president are already costing human lives. The global community must save what it ca...

Ethnic conflicts

Tribal rifts widen in Zimbabwe

Underdevelopment is responsible for the rising tribal tensions in Zimbabwe


Preventing poverty

How development circles are currently discussing social protection


Yet another economic tsunami

Inflation is once again plunging masses of Zimbabweans into poverty

Retail shopping

Solving the last-mile problem

How an innovative online retailer is making life easier for underserved rural communities in Kenya

Our view

Getting a grip on dangerous trends

In the past ten years, dark visions have begun to reduce the euphoria about digital development opportunities

Role models

Creative and committed

Young women in the Arab world pick strong and creative women as role models


“Once you learn to read”

Zambia shows that schools are a good place to start fighting gender inequality


Why cross-border social protection would be useful

Argentina and Zimbabwe currently need a kind of international support that the multilateral system does not provide

Informal work

Better education and training

More education is crucial to create less informal and more formal work

Illicit labour

Criminal girls

Criminal gangs have similar gender dynamics in Bangladesh and China