Entwicklung und


Autoritäre Politik

Geldadel erhofft sich viel von Trump

Weshalb Elon Musk und andere Silicon-Valley- und Wall-Street-Größen Donald Trump unterstützten.

Identity politics

Why many East Germans think they are only second-class citizens

In a fascinating new book, an East German sociologist elaborates why German unification did not – and could not – result in a uniform German identity. It never will.

Constitutional law

Imagine top judges in Africa or Asia ruling like the US Supreme Court

In the USA, the judicial branch of government has done a disservice to democracy.


Why prominent Israeli scholar wants Germany to confront Netanyahu

According to Moshe Zimmermann, extremists on both sides have been obstructing the peace process in the Near East for a long time

Identity politics

Warum das Akronym BIPoC nichts erklären muss

Das Kürzel „BIPoC“ ist eine Selbstbezeichnung, die Solidarität zwischen Menschen symbolisiert, die rassistische Diskriminierung erfahren haben. Der Begriff taugt nicht dazu, gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge oder bestimmte Menschen einordnen zu können.

Political discourse

Why the term “antisemitism” must be used with great caution

A new German primer elaborates how antisemitism has changed in history and how it keeps changing

Global governance

International community lacks a coherent idea of aid

Development cooperation is better than the conventional wisdom admits

Global sustainability

The reasons why global environmental policymaking has failed so far

A German sociologist’s systems theory highlights limits of global governance


Two peoples’ experience of displacement

The greatest problem in the Israel-Palestine conflict is that both sides have reason to believe the other one wants to destroy them.


How Israel and Palestine could find peace

A six-point road map for reconciliation in the Middle East

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