Autorinnen und Autoren

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hat zuletzt im Winter 2019/2020 zu E+Z/D+C beigetragen. Er ist Journalist und lebt im nördlichen Ghana.  

Alle Artikel von Maxwell Suuk

International trade

Killing donkeys

Too many donkeys are slaughtered in Ghana in order to export their meat and skins


Caring for too many people

In Ghana, every person with a job must feed many members of an extended family


Familienplanung per Handy

Um ungewollte Schwangerschaften zu verhindern, brauchen Jugendliche Aufklärung und Zugang zu Verhütungsmitteln

Women’s issues

Missing out school

Many poor girls in Ghana miss out school during their period

Child marriage

No more underage brides

Ghana takes action against the custom of marrying off underage girls


Brown envelopes

Journalists in Ghana often accept money when covering events


Traditional dress

Ghanaians are encouraged to wear traditional clothes each Friday

Social media

Internet birthday cakes

In the age of social media, families in Ghana visit each other less often


Distorted choices

Many Ghanaians sell their votes to the politician who offers most


The stigma of failure

Failing to get to Europe, Ghanaian migrants return home

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