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Jeffrey Moyo

Jeffrey Moyo

ist Journalist in Harare, Zimbabwe.  

Alle Artikel von Jeffrey Moyo


Living on the land – but not owning it

Zimbabwe’s women face resistance to exercising their rights to own land

Ethnic conflicts

Tribal rifts widen in Zimbabwe

Underdevelopment is responsible for the rising tribal tensions in Zimbabwe


Noch ein ökonomischer Tsunami

Inflation bedeutet in Simbabwe erneut massenhafte Armut

Inheritance law

Widows fight for their rights

In Zimbabwe, widows are legally entitled to their late husband’s assets, but in-laws often contest the inheritance

Natural disasters

Dangerous signs of climate change

Cyclones are becoming more frequent in Zimbabwe, due to climate change


Fish replaces meat

Fish farming is becoming popular in Zimbabwe


Ständige Dürren

Mensch und Natur leiden in Simbabwe unter unregelmäßigem Regen und Dürre


Bees against deforestation

Beehives in Zimbabwe’s forests keep people from cutting down trees


Soldaten entführen Bürger

Armee und bewaffnete Gruppen in Simbabwe entführen Zivilisten, die gegen die Regierung demonstrieren


Stunted growth

Due to malnourishment, many poor children in Zimbabwe suffer from stunted growth

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