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Autorinnen und Autoren

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Humphrey Nkonde


hat zuletzt im Sommer 2019 als Journalist, Medienwissenschaftler und Logistiker zu E+Z/D+C beigetragen. Er lebt in Ndola, Sambia.  

Alle Artikel von Humphrey Nkonde

Rural poverty

Inefficient agency

Maize farmers in Zambia are stuck in poverty because a government agency is not doing its job properly


One step forward, one step back

Zambia’s efforts to achieve the MDG goal of primary education has affected secondary education negatively


Human trafficking

In Zambia’s rural areas, poor girls are often promised jobs in the city, and then sold by human traffickers

New media

Stopping online harassment

Cyberbullying and cybercrime have become a problem in Zambia


Contaminated water causes cholera

Poor sanitation led to an outbreak of cholera in Zambia


Ending traffic congestion

Zambia is constructing a big two-lane highway with Chinese money

Food security

Pest exacerbates poverty

Maize farmers in Zambia lose income due to pests and low prizes


Avoiding new HIV infections

It is compulsory in Zambia to get tested for HIV/AIDS


No money, no schoolbooks

Zambia’s cash problems affect the education sector negatively


Flying high

Zambia is planning to modernise its airports

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