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Gender Equality

In order to achieve gender equality, it is necessary to empower women and girls.

Mexico’s first female president

The result of Mexico’s presidential election was historical for several reasons. It was the first time the winner was a woman, a non-Catholic and someone with scientific expertise unlike her predecessors who had degrees either in law or economics.

Alcohol abuse

Unwilling and incapable of working

Alcohol abuse of men is a major challenge in central Kenya

Women’s rights

Partnering with women’s groups can curb gender violence

Local women’s rights groups are often overlooked when global aid organisations plan responses to humanitarian crises. This should change


Caring for victims of sexual violence

A clinic in Bulawayo offers free medical and psycho-social care to victims of sexual violence and rape

Culture Special

A journey of self-discovery

Emancipation in an exciting journey through time

Reproductive health

Involving men to change gender stereotypes

In many African countries males are often unwilling to get involved in reproductive health issues of their partners

Summer Special

Emancipation in Syria, both personal and political

“The other side of the river” shows a young Syrian woman’s personal liberation within the context of a wider effort to establish democracy

Gender equality

Women are particularly disadvantaged in the informal sector

Gender equality matters in both the formal and the informal economy, for example when it comes to finance

Gender relations

Domestic helpers are informally employed in many countries

Why men are closer to achieving a good work-life balance than women

Gender justice

Mexico claims to pursue a “feminist” foreign policy

In Mexico, government rhetoric on women’s rights is better than what women experience in daily life


Female bus conductors on the rise

Tanzanian women are defying the gender stereotype and working as bus conductors