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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Mexico must include its indigenous population in the tourism sector

Mexico owes many of its tourist attractions to its wealth of indigenous communities. It is important that they are included in the country’s tourism industry in a sustainable, respectful and empowering way.

Social policy

First Global AgeWatch Index

New Global AgeWatch Index reveals need for pension reforms in many countries


Pensions for all elderly people

HelpAge warns that international agencies are paying too little attention to ageing of entire societies

Development cooperation

Ethical conduct

Ethical guidelines for situation in which the self-interest and the social responsibilities of development agencies collide


Crisis-induced expansion

Government-owned development banks matter in the global financial crisis – and they must accept the principle of subsidiarity


Challenging complexity

Reducing poverty and achieving sustainability are daunting goals, as PEGNet conference finds


In brief

Cyclone hits Indian coast, Lampedusa disaster, IPCC report on climate change, post-2015 debate and more


Not for everyone

India must do much more to provide social protection to all its people


Healthy clients

Pro Mujer: Why microfinance institutions should offer healthcare services too

Budget support

Tax-induced independence

Richard Gerster: Fiscal reforms reduce Mozambique’s dependency on donor’s budget support

Food security

Wasting valuable grains

According to FAO, a third of all food produced worldwide is wasted