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Sub-Saharan Africa
Social protection

The South African social contract

Social protection is enshrined in South Africa's constitution, but poverty pervails nonetheless

Social protection

Rich region, poor people

Many southern African nations experiment with social protection mechanisms, but a lot more needs to be done

Social infrastructure

No rest in retirement

In Nigeria, many old-age pensioners have not enough to live on

Fundamentalist violence

Disowned by faith leaders

The terrorist attack on Westgate Mall traumatised Kenyans, but did not divide them

Budget support

Tax-induced independence

Richard Gerster: Fiscal reforms reduce Mozambique’s dependency on donor’s budget support


Back to square one

Why Zimbabweans feel that the five years until the next general election will be very long

Public Health

“Mental health issues are totally underrated in Africa”

UN special envoy assesses health-care challenges in Africa


Overcoming stereotypes

The image of Africa in Germany is often marked by stereotype


Public response

D+C/E+Z Feedback from our reader


Severe sentence

A recent judgement shows that the freedom of the press cannot be taken for granted in Senegal

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