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Sub-Saharan Africa
West Africa

Small country, global challenge

The national and global dimensions of forest pillage in Liberia

Central Africa

Tropical forest in peril

Ephrem Balole et al: The government of the DRC is not doing nearly enough to protect the rainforest

Peace missions

The long haul

The African Peace and Security Architecture is already proving useful even though it is still work in progress


Rebels in search of peace

In Senegal’s Casamance region, an NGO is working on reconciling independence fighters – first among one another, and then with the government

World market

Haute couture

Designer fashion from Africa on the rise


Libyan arms and Malian turmoil

Why rebels in Mali were armed with small arms and light weapons from Libya

Potential for violence

The Kalashnikov curse

Small arms and light weapons cause more deaths than heavy weaponry in developing countries

Post-2015 agenda

“New spirit”

Members of UN High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Agenda involve business leaders in debate

Building peace

Farmers' expertise

For South Sudan to find peace, young people need real prospects in agriculture


Equal partnership

A way to ensure research cooperation at eyelevel between junior scientists from Africa and their German peers

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