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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Collective trauma

The man behind the Auschwitz trials

Fritz Bauer, a German judge of Jewish origin, is remembered in Germany for helping the country learn about what happened in the Nazi era

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Education in India

Covid-19’s devastating effects on India’s education

The pandemic interrupted the education of 360 million Indian students and kept them trapped in their homes, mostly without any option for e-learning


Robbers threaten digital banking costumers

Criminals threaten people and force them to transfer money from their mobile bank accounts


The concept of official development assistance is outdated

Global public goods require international cooperation, but high-income countries are not making sufficient contributions

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Refugee children

There are very few educational opportunities for refugees in Lebanon

Over ten years after the start of the war, the educational situation of Syrian children and youth in Lebanon remains disastrous

Tigray conflict

Ethiopia’s fragile peace

A peace treaty aims to end the Tigray conflict in northern Ethiopia – but it can only succeed if underlying problems are addressed


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue


Mexico wants to prevent teenage pregnancies

What young Latin Americans must learn about sex and reproductive health

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Climate and biodiversity

To protect life on earth, we must cooperate

The world conferences of Sharm el-Sheikh and Montréal have shown once again that global crises require multilateral solutions


Libya lapses into Gaddafi nostalgia

More than ten years after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime, the situation in Libya is so devastating that some long for pre-revolutionary times