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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.


The pros and cons of plastic water tanks

Large water tanks are a blessing in case of water shortage in Zimbabwe, but also have downsides

Democracy under attack

8 January 2023 in Brasília looked like 6 January 2021 in Washington

In protest against legitimate election results, right-wing extremists vandalised government buildings

Labour market

Brain drain in Ghana's tech industry

Ghana's IT companies are competing for the best minds both on the local and on the global labour market

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Churches in South Africa lose worshippers after pandemic

Church administrators are decrying declining numbers of worshippers after Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa


Understanding people in their native language

Ever since author Martin Kämpchen learned to speak Bengali, he has seen India with new eyes

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Technological development

Affordable internet access for all

In Zambia, internet access is still limited, but the Starlink company of US billionaire Elon Musk aims to improve the situation

Identity politics

The painful partition of India

How colonial India became two and eventually three different countries

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What helps traumatised societies to heal

Armed conflict disrupts society – and the media have a special role to play as peacebuilders

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Overview fiscal space

Governments’ budget constraints are too tight

To rise to the challenges of the current polycrisis, governments need more fiscal space

Sick children

Emotional and economic hardships

Children born with severe heart conditions do not have a big chance of getting adequate medical treatment in Zimbabwe