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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

“I am angry because Kenya is not working for many of its citizens”

Kenya’s youth have been taking to the streets against the government for weeks. Sports student Shakira Wafula almost involuntarily became a face of the movement. In this interview, she talks about what is driving young Kenyans.


Patience required

Real peace is about a lot more than the absence of armed violence


Rebels in search of peace

In Senegal’s Casamance region, an NGO is working on reconciling independence fighters – first among one another, and then with the government


Libyan arms and Malian turmoil

Why rebels in Mali were armed with small arms and light weapons from Libya

Potential for violence

The Kalashnikov curse

Small arms and light weapons cause more deaths than heavy weaponry in developing countries

Middle East

Remembering strife

Even decades after its civil war, Lebanon has not come to terms with its traumatic past

Building peace

Farmers' expertise

For South Sudan to find peace, young people need real prospects in agriculture

SWP publication

The decisive challenge

SWP: Youth bulge results in greater economic opportunities – but also increases risks of conflict


Spreading hope

Guatemalan radio station encourages women to become involved in public affairs

Print edition

Contents July/August issue

D+C/E+Z: Contents page of July/August's print edition with links to all contributions


Conflict over water

River and lake borders are not always clearly defined in Africa, so water disputes are common