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Public responses

In our July edition, we published letters from our readers concerning the focus section on "Planned parenthood" in April and on the article "Preparing for action" by Lisa Ringhofer in our January edition.
Cocoa, not vegetables. Ringhofer Cocoa, not vegetables.

Girls’ schools are needed

D+C/E+Z 2014/04, focus section: “Planned ­parenthood”

It is generally understood that education contributes to African women’s acceptance of family planning. It must be pointed out, however, that there is a need to expand girls’ schools that only have female teachers. With some reason, many African parents hesitate to send their daughters to schools for boys and girls. They are aware of the risk that a senior pupil or a teacher might get their daughter pregnant. In Muslim families, religious ideas re­inforce such worries.
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Grohs, Munich

Childless couples

D+C/E+Z 2014/04, focus section: “Planned ­parenthood”

In the last ten years, all South Asian countries could reduce the births rates to manageable levels. It is a great achievement, and the use of contraceptives plays a key role. More and more people understand and apply birth-control methods. Such knowledge helps to minimise illegal abortions and prevent sex­ually-transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.

Unfortunately, we are not taking adequate care of childless couples. Most of them would like to have children. It is unacceptable that medical treatment in this category is not free. It can be very expensive and is certainly not available to all people in need. This topic deserves attention too.
Asoka Palamakumbura, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Wrong picture

D+C/E+Z 2014/01, p. 24 ff.: Lisa Ringhofer: “Preparing for action”

I’d like to make you aware of a mistake in your picture tag on page 26. The photo does not show “vegetables”, but rather a nursery for cocoa plants that are about two months old. By the way, the nursery is flawed: the bags are too small, there are too many rows of plants on too little land, and the plants get neither enough shade nor water.
Herbert R. Wilkes, GIZ, Nicaragua