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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Global governance

Global decline in human development

The latest Human Development Report warns that in 2020 and 2021, progress made towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been reversed

Violent conflict

High hopes abounded during Pope’s visit to South Sudan

Pope Francis stirred optimism in the conflict-torn country, but will people’s expectations be fulfilled?


Social disparities thwart climate justice

Environmental burdens must be shared fairly – within world regions and between them


Human trafficking on the rise

Illegal immigrants face despicable conditions on their journeys and many end up dead or suffering life-threatening conditions in Zambia

German policy

BMZ makes bold statement of intent

The new Africa strategy of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Daily Life

Motherhood in Burundi

A working mother of five reports how she organises childcare despite expensive day-care in Burundi

Renewable energy

Facilitating the transition away from coal

Many low-income countries face the challenge of phasing out coal in a just way, which also takes into account affected workers and their communities

Social protection

Togo’s temporary basic income by text message

Innovative social-protection scheme in small west African country during Covid-19-Pandemic

Private education

Why Nigerians have little faith in government-run schools

Disappointed in government-funded education, even poor parents increasingly opt for private schools


Disillusionment after elections in Malawi

Disappointment grows across the country as the economy flounders, and corruption weakens trust in politicians