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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Gender justice

Eight decades of gender relations in South India

Krupa Ge’s debut novel “What we know about her” explores women’s fates in Tamil Nadu from the 1940s to late 2019

Gender justice

Pakistan is slowly moving towards gender justice

Gender parity is now within reach in the prestigious Central Superior Services

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Intercultural music

Music of the Nile

The multinational music collective “The Nile Project” sang in many styles and languages about life along the Nile

Authoritarian dress code

Iran’s regime is trying to enforce hijab rules again

: In Tehran and other cities, many women are not covering their hair anymore in acts of public defiance

Cyber security
World information order

Hold those who lie online responsible

In view of dangerous propaganda on social media, a human right to trustworthy information would make sense

Climate crisis

Climate crisis keeps escalating

In view of worsening heat waves, postponing climate action is reckless, not “pragmatic”

International relations

African responsibility for climate justice

African elites like to blame the rich nations for the climate crisis, but should reconsider their own attitudes too


How Nairobi fights its waste

Kenya’s capital and metropolitan area are engaged in an internal battle against waste. There is hope that the struggle will eventually be won

Public debt

Ghana is seeking financial bailout

Ghana needs financial help for its overwhelming debt burden, but the government’s plan to seek a new IMF loan is harshly criticised