
At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

is a professor emerita and former chair of the department of human molecular genetics in Heidelberg University Medical School.

All articles of Gudrun A. Rappold


Just a gene

Many people with albinism are still exposed to dangerous forms of discrimination. In order to counter the myths and superstitions surrounding the metabolic disorder, it is important to understand its genetic foundations.


A dangerous superstition

In many countries, people with albinism are stigmatised because of their light skin and hair, as well as their visual impairments. This discrimination is particularly prevalent in some African countries. Education is vital to protect those affected.

Our Contributors


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.