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Ethnic conflicts

Tribal rifts widen in Zimbabwe

Underdevelopment is responsible for the rising tribal tensions in Zimbabwe

Republica 2019

Technology is no panacea

Muted techno-optimism at this year’s digital conference Republica in Berlin


Islam’s age-old schism

The division of Islam dates back to the days of Prophet Mohammed

Middle East

The sectarian dimension

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are instrumentalising religious doctrines for political purposes


Preventing poverty

How development circles are currently discussing social protection


Death in Ndola

A new book gives relevant insights into Dag Hammarskjöld’s work as the 2nd UN secretary-general

IPCC special report

Destructive land-use

IPCC assesses how climate change and land use patterns are interlinked


A vision for Africa

Africa has to free itself from western criteria and find its own way to regain its position in the world, says Senegalese economist

Food security

Dangerous food

Ghanaians are afraid of poisonous mould in grains and cereals

Retail shopping

Solving the last-mile problem

How an innovative online retailer is making life easier for underserved rural communities in Kenya

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