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Global environment

Less food, more dengue infections

A recent report in The Lancet presents a bleak picture of how the climate crisis will affect human health


Road to riches

To become a regional powerhouse, Tamale in Ghana needs appropriate transport infrastructure

Traditional medicine

Zambians choose Chinese cures

As in many facets of life in Zambia, the influence of China is visible in the country’s health-care sector

Reconsidering social protection

Why it would make sense to have internatonal safety nets

Cross-border social protection would solve great problems, so it must be considered

Climate engineering

Buying time

Scientists disagree over whether technology should be used to manipulate the climate system


Restricted freedom

People in Benin wonder what EU Ambassador Oliver Nette, who was sent home by their government, did wrong

Land degradation

Highland challenges

In mountain regions, soil degradation is particularly advanced and has serious consequences

Global governance

Stand up to the White House

The Iran crisis shows that Trump’s unilateral approach to global affairs simply does not work

Sustainable mobility

Fundamental transformation required

Expert report calls for abandonment of fossil fuels in transport

Vehicle density

Overburdened infrastructure

There are far more cars on Bangkok’s streets than its infrastructure can handle

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