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Labour market

Masses of young people, too few jobs

How governance matters for creating full employment in Africa


Global action urgently needed

An incomplete selection of important statements concerning global response to Covid-19

Our view

Lay the foundations

Global trends must be managed in ways to ensure that 11 billion people can live good lives on Earth

South Asia

Rule-bound governance matters

As civil-society space is shrinking in India, ODA agencies should consider their stance

Retirement provisions

From the iron rice bowl to the filial piety law

China’s one-child policy is having catastrophic consequences for millions of pensioners

Burundi-China cooperation

A beautiful friendship

China’s influence in Burundi has grown, while that of the EU has diminished


Two-pronged global crisis

Covid-19 requires global cooperation to protect human health and prevent economic depression

PEGNet Conference 2020

Call for papers

This year's PEGNet conference will deal with conflict and fragility in developing countries

Population growth

Global challenge

Africa needs 450 million new jobs to benefit from the demographic dividend


Never disrupt treatment

To make the world TB free, funding must increase dramatically

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