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Our view

Fighting for democracy

The EU should do more to promote democracy around the world

Our view

No ethics, no sustainability

Why financial stability hinges on investors taking into account environmental and social impacts

International cooperation

New partners, global goals

New players have entered the arena of international cooperation and new patterns of partnerships have emerged


Reconciling diversity and the common good

Why development requires functional differentiation and attention to the common good

Informal sector

Devastated businesses

Zambia’s informal sector has been hit hard by Covid-19 lockdown


Indispensable private sector

DEG assesses development impacts precisely and intends to promote women more

Development lending

Consider the quality of debt

Even during a global pandemic, debt relief should not be granted across the board

Mobile phones

Ringing up sales

Little-known Chinese brands are taking over the smartphone market in Zambia

Germany’s Federal Government

Encouraging enthusiasm

In his new book, Germany’s federal minister for economic cooperation and development makes radical and relevant demands

Private-sector banks

No money for coal

Study demonstrates that private-sector banks are acting with "extreme irresponsibility" in relation to the climate crisis

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