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Environmental sustainability

First steps towards keeping environment toxin free

The EU wants its sustainable chemicals strategy to set global standards

Remote management

KfW remote project management with KoBoToolbox

In Burkina Faso, KfW bank uses KoBoToolbox, a remote management information system

Technical solutions

Remote project management is helpful in times of crisis

During the Corona crisis, KfW is using new approaches to manage its projects from the distance

Global environment

Trailblazing UN conference

The international conference on chemicals management had to be postponed, but Germany intends to keep promoting the cause

Building bridges

Why diaspora communities are powerful development actors

In countries of residence as well as origin, policymakers should engage with migrant communities

Environmental hazards

Stop global trend of chemical intensification

Application of chemicals must become safer and more sustainable


Fundamental change needed to overcome inequality

To enable everyone to live a good life, Oxfam demands social and environmental justice

Special interests

The public good must not be left to powerful billionaires

Beware of plutocrats’ self-interest, even when they engage in philanthropy


India’s diaspora is influential, though few members vote

Non-resident Indians (NRIs) have a bearing on the nation’s politics, society and culture

Financial inclusion

Taking it to the bank

Zambia has set itself a goal of universal access to financial services

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