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Women at work

How “2X Challenge” investments are making a difference

Financial inclusion

Investing in women

Investing in female-focused businesses yields big dividends for all concerned

Multidimensional crises

Why we must not turn our backs on Afghanistan now

Afghanistan‘s multi-dimensional crisis has only just begun


Finding new purposes for used drums

How a low-cost digester produces biogas


Why biogas is good for the environment

Zimbabwe is jump-starting rural biogas production with a new low-cost technology

Aid effectiveness

Limiting economic Corona ­damage

What can be done against economic Corona damage

Aid effectiveness

Digital tools serve evaluation purposes

Head of KfW evaluation department elaborates goals, methods and accuracy of his work

Gaming industry

The opportunity is right now

A game-design pioneer in Ghana tells about the challenges and constraints of his work


Eviction notice

Refugees look for new homes after camp closures planned for mid-2022

Our view

Risks and opportunities of digitalisation

Digital transformation of society and the economy requires government regulation

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