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Green transformation

Crisis as an opportunity

Crises like the Covid-19 pandemic offer opportunities for eco-friendly stimulus programmes


Economic recovery in Ghana

Businesses in Ghana slowly recover from Corona slump, but rising inflation creates new problems

Sustainable development

The future of the planet is on the line

Sustainable development includes progess for people, climate protection and biodiversity, insists German minister


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue


Pakistan is paying price for neglect of climate adaptation

Not having contributed much to climate change, Pakistanis suffer impacts

Global affairs

How Biden’s promise of America being back might come true

White House stance on both climate and democracy are of great global relevance


Innovative farming in a refugee camp

A soilless cultivation technique allows refugees in a camp to grow fruit and vegetables on a small space

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Personal experiences

Covid-19 impacts worldwide

D+C/E+Z contributors from very different countries share their personal experiences on the Corona pandemic

Personal experiences

Covid-19 impacts worldwide

D+C/E+Z contributors from very different countries share their personal experiences on the Corona pandemic

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