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Untangling ­psychological knots

How an NGO uses physical exercise to help give traumatised women in Congo new confidence

French matters, whether the FT likes it or not

Languages of former colonial powers

International finance institution

“Africa’s youth must be employed in Africa”

The policy aspiration of Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank

Renewable energy

Emerging markets overtake industrialised states

Record investments in solar, wind and hydropower


The vegetable dispute

Vegetable farmers in Ghana are having a hard time


The power of sports

Playing in a team fosters disabled athletes’ health, self esteem and social integration

Relevant reading

Analogue limits of digital growth

Two recent publications - including one from the World Bank - explain why digitalisation, in itself, does not bring about human development


Everyday violence against the poor

How everyday violence locks poor people into poverty and what needs to be done about it

Extremist threats

Tunisia deserves attention and support

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves support in its struggle against extremism and poverty


Mobilising and motivating investors

GIZ’s lab of tomorrow allows experts to develop new digital solutions for developing countries’ problems

Subscribe to Sustainability


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.