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Global climate

Decarbonise now

World climate conference emphasises that time is short for implementing the Paris Agreement


“Getting people on board”

The KfW Development Bank becomes increasingly involved in marine conservation

Political foundations

Promoting democratic values

Germany’s political foundations are unique the world over

The Gates Foundation

Private-sector billionaires setting global agenda

Philanthrophists like Bill Gates are funding a huge share of international development cooperation

Poverty alleviation

Dana, zakat and charity

India is moving up the ranks of countries measured in the CAF World Giving Index

Promoting change

From individual charity to impact-investing

Philanthropy must help drive sustainable development in India

Poverty alleviation

Reaching out to disadvantaged communities

Tangible Aga Khan programmes in East Africa

Faith-based initiatives

Helping families to escape the cycle of poverty

The Aga Khan’s approach to development emphasises long-term community empowerment

Multilateral order

Fading western doctrines

German expert argues that the West has failed Libya and Iraq

In praise of taxes

Market and state must complement one another

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.