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Global development

Ways in which the world has recently been getting better

Reasons to be optimistic about global development

Tax havens

Applying double standards is wrong

Oxfam points out that EU list of tax havens omits EU member states

Public finance

Incentives to become formal

Even if rates are kept low, more formal businesses will mean more tax revenue in Benin

National revenue services

Broaden the base; close loopholes

GIZ adviser warns that tax exemptions often do not lead to the desired results

Reasons for trusting D+C in the era of “fake news”

Our contributors’ network is large, and does not add up to an echo chamber

Our view

What good governance depends on

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, all countries need an effective and fair tax system

Industrial policy

Pragmatism instead of ideology

State industrial policy should appropriately govern market processes

Neglected tropical diseases

Networking instead of silo mentality

The world needs to work together to beat neglected tropical diseases for good

Blue Action Fund

Money to safeguard seas and coastlines

BMZ and KfW establish new trust fund in support of marine conservation projects

Protecting the oceans

A call to action

Many marine areas are at imminent risk of collapse, so experts are sounding the alarm

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.