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2030 Agenda

Improvable partnerships

SWP study reveals many gaps in partnerships for the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda

School feeding

Contribution to nutrition security

Schools are serving healthy food from local suppliers

School feeding

A shared morning meal

School feeding helps pupils focus on their lessons in Cambodia

EU policy

Tackling trade and migration

In North Africa, EU trade policy is not reducing migration so far, but actually adding to the problem

Our view

Overwhelmingly positive progress

Steven Pinker shows that humankind has made dramatic progress and suggests what to do to achieve even more

Financing of terrorism

Dangerous cash flow

How so-called Sharia states influence the west through business and finance the export of their radical ideologies

Call for Papers and Inputs

PEGNet Conference 2018

Improving the quality of education and learning outcomes in developing countries

Development work

Stolen childhood

The Fondation Stamm is trying to give orphans and street children in Burundi the chance of a better life

Our view

Creating equal opportunities

The pledge to leave no one behind should apply to children in particular

MENA region

Incoherent German approach

A new study by the German Development Institute argues that Germany’s aid to the MENA region lacks strategy and coherence

Subscribe to Sustainability


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.