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Sub-Saharan Africa
Germany’s Federal Government

Promoting investments in Africa

Two German cabinet members launch joint initiative to boost private-sector development

Job opportunities

Working in poverty

Youth unemployment is on the rise and persistent gender gaps undermine social progress

Ebola vaccine proven effective in clinical trial

This public-health success was driven by international, multi-sector cooperation rather than by market forces

Social cash transfers

Welfare payments are no longer taboo

Insights from Kalomo, Zambia revolutionise social protection in Africa

eHealth Africa

Fighting polio in spite of ­insurgency

Vaccination programme in Nigeria’s crisis-torn Borno state

Elections matter – in Gambia, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire

ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States, is becoming a beacon of democracy


Disasters waiting to happen

Failure to expand formal youth employment in Africa will mean more unrest, more migration, more crime and more religious extremism

International community should act to prevent atrocities

Signs of imminent genocide in South Sudan

Popular uprising

A triumph for young people

Burkinabe youth united to end the rule of President Blaise Compaoré

Ghana is setting a democratic example

Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana’s next president, is facing huge macroeconomic challenges

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