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Sub-Saharan Africa
Sex education

Face the truth

Nigeria’s incidence of teenage pregnancies is unacceptably high


Traditional dress

Ghanaians are encouraged to wear traditional clothes each Friday

Teenager pregnancies

Devastating consequences

In Uganda, teenage pregnancies are causing lots of suffering


Village banking changes lives

In Malawi, villagers set up their own saving funds

Sex education

Who wants to educate a goat?

Why Ugandan teenagers need reliable information concerning sex and reproductive he

Summer special

Taking the best from each culture

Godwin Drofenu from Togo is 22 years old and is working in a residential community for mentally handicapped people in Schwäbisch Gmünd


Landmine survivor helping fellow amputees

In Uganda, a landmine survivor helps fellow amputees to cope with their disability

Summer special

“I can share so much information about Africa”

26 years old Valerie Viban from Cameroon is doing his volunteer service at the Partnership with Africa Foundation in Potsdam

Dealing well with mass displacement

Uganda has to deal with many refugees – and does an excellent job


The ANC’s real crisis

The ANC’s big problem is that it has not brought about the social change it promised in the anti-Apartheid struggle

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