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Sub-Saharan Africa

Planned parenthood via mobile phone

If teenage pregnancies are to be avoided, young people need sex education and access to contraceptives

Horn of Africa

30 years of guerrilla warfare

Civil war has shaped the mindset of Eritrea’s leadership

Liberation movement

Thousands flee every month

How the government of Eritrea became one of the world’s most repressive regimes


“The state functions according to its entirely own logic”

An expert on the Congo explains who is operating militarily in the country and why, and what a peaceful solution might look like

Child soldiers

Jobs instead of arms

The international community must end profiteering with child soldiers


Ending traffic congestion

Zambia is constructing a big two-lane highway with Chinese money

Democratic governance

A mixed bag

ECOWAS is setting an example in terms of democratic governance, but challenges persist, according to Ghanaian scholar

Letters to the editor

Issues that have contributed to African poverty

Readers respond to our D+C/E+Z print edition 2017/11-12

Climate change

Coal against blackouts

In order to manage its current energy crisis, Malawi turns to coal

Women’s issues

Missing out school

Many poor girls in Ghana miss out school during their period

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