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Sub-Saharan Africa
Failed policies

Descent into hell

In Africa, structural adjustment did not trigger fast growth, but had a contractive impact

Development strategy

Multiple adjustment needs

The World Bank's mission is about more than crisis management


Extorting travellers

Why some people still pay bribes to cross ECOWAS borders

Fighting poverty

Successful debt relief

Lessons learned concerning multilateral debt relief

International financial institutions

More efficient multilateralism

IMF and Worldbank must heed lessons of past decades

Summer Special

Constructed justice

Milo Rau’s multimedia art project The Congo Tribunal calls for accountability for millions of crimes


One step forward, one step back

Zambia’s efforts to achieve the MDG goal of primary education has affected secondary education negatively

Summer Special

Amusing and philosophical

A documentary road movie about the African San holds a mirror up to western society


Endless strikes

In Togo, teachers often go on strike to demand better pay


Human trafficking

In Zambia’s rural areas, poor girls are often promised jobs in the city, and then sold by human traffickers

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