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Sub-Saharan Africa

Promoting regional trade in Africa

COMESA, a regional economic community with 21 member states, is promoting intra-regional trade in Africa and helping at a time when the world faces immense disruptions

Labour market

Developing Malawi’s food sector

Malawi’s food processing industry has great potential but cannot keep up with demand. Cooperatives can be part of the solution


Land-use conflicts undermine food security in Nigeria

Climate crisis and population growth increase pressure on arable land in West Africa


A mobile app extends much-needed credit to smallholders

In Malawi, a new app helps farmers to organise their finances and ensures that they have funds available when they are most needed – during planting season

Law enforcement

Police tactics put journalists’ lives in danger

In Kenya, police officers have adopted a tactic of masquerading as journalists to blend into crowds of anti-government protesters

West Africa

Western governments’ double standards hurt their reputation in West Africa

Ghanaian scholar assesses the outlook for democratic governance and economic integration in the ECOWAS context

Pension money

Benefits for Zambian workers

In Zambia, workers can now withdraw up to 20 % of their pension savings allowing to reinvest the money

Water infrastructure

Using groundwater sustainably in sub-Saharan Africa

Groundwater offers considerable opportunities for socio-economic development, particularly in agriculture. The BGR is helping partner countries exploit this resource

Pastoralist communities

Greenhouses in the desert

In Kenya’s Turkana County, the climate crisis is wreaking havoc. Severe droughts, disappearing water sources and dwindling livestock are driving the Turkana people to the brink of famine. Local organisations are trying to achieve food security

Food security

Female farmers need more support in Ghana

In Ghana, female farmers are essential for ensuring food security and nutrition, but they often face systemic challenges

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