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Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Africa

Setting an African example

Malawi’s president is proud of agricultural success


New start, old baggage

South Sudanese people voted for independence

Community participation

No more cholera

Providing everyone with safe drinking water in Tanazania’s Hai District


Boosting state revenue

Kenyan police officers help the tax authority boost government revenue

Fighting poverty

“A strong policy statement”

KenInvest supports small businesses to become engines of growth in Kenya


Private party

Mozambique is not an open access society


Reconstruct African governance

Gbagbo must not be allowed to prevail, but Cote d'Ivoire’s crisis is about more than only big-man politics

Investment climate

Enlightening entrepreneurs

The Business Daily, a young Kenyan newspaper, helps to improve economic fortunes

Financial sector

Good opportunities in Africa

According to DEG top manager, German companies fail to grasp African opportunities

Human rights

“We are not asking for sanctions”

Campaigning for the rights of homosexual Christians in Nigeria

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